Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Girl

Today we attended service at Destiny Community Church in Newberry with our friends the Allens. DCC puts on many events here in Newberry and are really growing fast. Because they have outgrown their church, service was held across the street in the middle school auditorium.

Today was not their typical service. Committed, an acapella group and recent winners of NBC's "Sing Off", were here to perform a very up close and personal show.  It seemed pretty unreal that a group like this would visit a church and perform for a group of 300+. After all, they were used to performing on national television for millions of viewers. Just a few days prior, the pastor had seen his colleague post pictures with the group at a church near the band's hometown in Alabama. Being a huge fan of the show and the group he immediately called his friend who is the pastor of that church and asked how he managed to book them. His friend gave him one of the group members phone numbers and said "just call him and he should be able to get you in touch with their booking agent". After speaking with the group member for a while he said that they were going to be passing through and staying a night in Gainesville Florida and would gladly do the show without negotiating any fees. You can only imagine what this might cost had the booking agent actually been involved.

They put in a fantastic show and made fans out of us. They use no musical instruments other than their voices so everything you hear is singing. Simply amazing.  The harmonies are something that awed me at times. Their songs are very spiritual and poetic. They opened with "Sweet Home Alabama" then went into "My Girl".

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