Thursday, October 27, 2011

Levi Turns 2!

It's hard for us to imagine what life before Levi was like and even harder to believe that he has only been in our lives for 2 years.  Well, perhaps that isn't entirely true.  He was with us for about 9 months prior.  He is at the age now where he is really coming into his own and developing his personality.  His fascination of animals had us scratching our heads as to what to get him for his birthday present.  The books say that Leopard Geckos are a good pick for his age but after getting Jenn into a reptile store I could see that this was not a viable option.  We visited the pet store numerous times to see his reaction to turtles, fish, hamsters, and birds.  Birds were too loud and hamsters would compete with Stella for smell and turtles can apparently carry disease so we went with a blue Beta that Levi named Fishie.
As for the party we had to make some adjustments.  Since Wyatt was only a week old we didn't want to have the normal birthday festivities and invite a lot of people to the house.  As an alternative, Jenn found a person nearby who has a pony farm.  She usually will come to your party with a few ponies and let the kids ride but she also will allow you to go to her farm and pay by the half hour.  The boys absolutely loved it. They each rode the pony 4 or 5 times and fed all of the animals carrots.  The owner was great with the kids and you can tell that she really loves what she does.  All of the ponies were well cared for and very friendly.  Great choice by Jenn.  I imagine we'll go again sometime soon.

Here is her website and Facebook page if you care to check it out for yourself:

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