Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wonderful Weekend! So much to share...

Despite the fact that Levi was feeling a little under-the-weather from teething (which is evident by his hand shoved in his mouth during all our pictures) we had a really great weekend!! 

Friday was UF's Homecoming and I took the boys to the parade.  Kevin was even able to sneak away from work and join us for a bit.  And of course, Tyson's best friends were there to celebrate with us.

Then we headed to the Ferrell House for Nia's birthday party! As always, her mom was a rock star party planner and everyone had a blast. We feel so lucky to be part of this amazing little girl's life!  Can't wait until next year Nia!
Saturday morning was family picture day, but more importantly, Levi's birthday!!!!  We spent the day just the 4 of us, and although it made me miss our family terribly, it really was a great day! 

But the best news of all was hearing how well the recovery of Baby Isaac was going!  We were so relieved and thrilled to here he was back at home in his mama's arms by Saturday!  Can't wait to meet the little guy, but I'm madly in love with his adorable little face already! How can you not be?

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics. Especially the family pic and the red shoes! Those two boys are just so darn cute.
