Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Trip to the Jacksonville Zoo

The Keyes family is known for packing in HUGE amounts of fun (and often disasters) in short periods of time.  We make the most of our weekends and on this particular Saturday we took a trip to the Jacksonville Zoo.  Our goal was to only spend a few hours there since we weren't sure if the rain would hold off and how long Jenn could take the heat.  We managed to see a good deal of the exhibits.  Levi, our animal lover, was going bonkers checking out all of the critters he only gets to see in books or on TV.  The gorilla exhibit was definitely the highlight for both of the boys even though the big fella didn't make much of an appearance.  We managed to dodge the raindrops and all had a great time. It was a nice change of pace from the overcrowded theme parks in Orlando.

The Mighty Lion

The Giraffes 
Posing by the Pond. This Zoo has Immaculate Landscaping

The Alligator Pond was INFESTED with these Monsters

When Tyson saw this Black Bear he said in a surprised, matter-of-fact tone..."He's Dead!" Nope, Just Sleeping

What the Boys REALLY came to see.

 Levi Loves the Monkeys 

Quick Pic During Lunch