Thursday, September 30, 2010

Under The Weather

If you have been wondering where the Keyes Family has been, we've all been battling various cold and flu symptoms.  We have missed out on some fun weekends with friends and still have yet to make it to see our friend's newborn baby girl.  With the exception of Levi, who is fighting off a double ear infection, we are all feeling much better (on most days).  Hopefully Levi will be at 100% for his 1st Birthday in a few weeks but as you can tell from the picture below, he still feels like Mr. Yuk!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Always Check an Artist's Portfolio

If a face painter says "Dogs are my speacialty" you'd better check some references just in case.  I suppose it is possible that this person had never actually seen a real dog or maybe she was running low on the brown paint.  Tyson looks like he was playing with his pudding and now ants are trying to eat his face.  He was not too happy about this and asked to have this wiped off soon after taking a few photos.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Geared Up For Football Season!

Football season marks the begining of our favorite time of year--Fall.  Soon, the weather will be getting cooler and the Halloween candy starts appearing (and disappearing) in dishes around the house.  It won't be long before those familiar smells of autumn fill the air as we sit in our living room with the windows open and watch our favorite shows or root on the Mountaineers and the Gators (and pray for the Redskins to win a few games).  Hail to the Redskins, Go Gators, and of course, LET'S GOOO MOUTAINEERS!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Football and Fruit Snacks....does it get any better?

Make no mistake, there was no threat of anyone taking Tyson's fruit snacks.  He just thought it would be best to shove the entire bag in his mouth so he could get back to watching the Gator game and playing with his best friends!

too many fruit snacks from Jennifer and Kevin Keyes on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shoes and a rodeo? Yee Haw!

We sure do love our little cowboys!  Although, it should be noted that once the video stopped a fit ensued over not getting a second ride!  I guess most westerns don't have sweet endings! 

yee ha from Jennifer and Kevin Keyes on Vimeo.